As a leader, did 2020 take you by surprise? What if 2024 is as bumpy if not more? Below I list 3 distractions (out of many) to avoid, and 3 trends (out of many) to pay close attention to, and 3 toolkits to develop for 2024.
We are expected to accomplish more with less, solve increasingly complex challenges in better (more humane, environmentally friendly, culturally sensitive, etc.) ways while continously adapting to new technology evolving at breakneck speeds. Sound familiar? This program is unique in that we have spent decades researching and testing the best leadership strategies available today and present you with a complete leadership toolkit to address any situation with any employee inside of any context. Our program consists of 3 sets of tools. The first we call Triage Skills, these are tools that can turn some situations around in a matter of minutes or days. The second tool set we call Advanced Leadership Skills and represent the best of the best to solve complex leadership challenges. Finally Integral Leadership Skills represent the cutting edge of proven skills that you can use to cut right to the core of any leadership challenge and formulate the ultimate solutions. Ideally we'd start here, however, there is a type of sequential development that is required, thus Triage > Advanced > Integral. This program consists of 40 1:1 coaching sessions delivered over 1 or 2 years, plus our exclusive support materials.
Our High-Performing Teams coaching program fuels the engine for teams to overcome these hurdles by laying the groundwork to intentionally create the Purpose, Clarity, and Psychological Safety they need to thrive. This framework, combined with Birkman’s personality data, helps solve many of the business challenges teams face, such as uprooting team conflict, generating innovative solutions, aligning departmental and company goals, generational communication, and navigating rapidly changing initiatives.
Whatever you are facing, this program represents a complete solution. We start with an assessment of the situation by personally interviewing those involved, as well as utilizing Birkman Method assessments to test for overall compatability and expected areas of conflict based on each employees "hard-wiring" from birth so to speak. Solutions include coaching all those involved in the skills and strategies required to solve their current conflict. These skills will also prevent/minimize conflicts in the future. In our experience, if things have gone too far it is preferrable to help one or more employees secure employment with a different team or organization. In this case, this program also includesa career transition program for one employee. Finally, if the conflict involves multiple team members then we suggest the Birkman informed High Performance Teams Program.
We have helped over 1000 employees transition successfully by providing them with Whole Person Integral solutions. Contact us to explore your unique situation and our industry-first guaranteed results.
Paradoxically, the more you invest upfront into creating a strong and effective corporate culture, the easier your role as a leader becomes long term. Likewise, ignoring corporate culture up front will lead to increasing challenges and headaches in the long run. From an Integral Perspective, Corporate Cultures are made up of Human Individuals and Teams, all of which have needs, strengths, potentials in the four dimensions: Physical/Material, Intellectual, Emotional, and Spiritual/Existential.
To schedule a time to speak with me send an email through the contact form.